Baptist Sermon Outlines Baptist Sermon Outlines
Baptist Sermon Outlines
Baptist Sermon Outlines
Baptist Sermon Outlines
Baptist Sermon Outlines
Baptist Sermon Outlines
About usBaptist Sermon Outlines

Baptist Sermon OutlinesJim and Marlene Blevins have served churches in a variety of states including Tennessee, Georgia, West Virginia, Ohio, Wisconsin, Texas and cureently serve with a small Christian church in Louisiana. Together they sing in their local community chorus and in their church singing group. Jim has a degree in Bible. He also designs websites and oversees and maintains the highly popular 'One Million Free Links.'

These outlines have been almost 30 years in the making. It has taken this long because the author insisted on making sure that while alliterating, he stayed true to the meaning and context of the text. This effort took a lot longer than normal. It took thought, prayer and patience for the answer to come - which it always did.


After serving in the US Army Jim worked as a policeman and fireman, each for four years. After attending a local Bible school for two years he continued his education by obtaining a degree in Bible from SUMMIT THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Peru, Indiana.

     Individual books are also available here
Baptist Sermon Outlines Baptist Sermon Outlines